Training and research farm "Vecauce"

The training and research farm of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies "Vecauce" is a unique training and research centre - many-branched farm, which deals with cattle breeding and also with the cultivation of plants - growing pedigree seeds, including maintenance selection. "Vecauce" is the only state farm for research and experiments in cattle-breeding and veterinary medicine science and practice where the needed number of animals can be provided, including for experiments of diagnosing new animal diseases. "Vecauce" has also become the main place in the country where corn is researched.
The farm occupies a significant place in the study process, and it is also an important research base. Both the University students and students of the technical and vocational schools of Latvia strengthen their practical skills there. Various field practices take place in "Vecauce" on a regular basis, and they are obligatory for all students of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - mainly for the first year students. Field practice significantly completes the theoretical knowledge acquired at the University.
The biogas plant, which uses manure and field biomass, has been created in the Vecauce complex. This is the first important biogas plant in Latvia. The production of biogas is cost-effective, because it creates the possibility to cover all the needs of the farm for electric energy and heating. Vecauce is proud to be the most up-to-date dairy complex in the Baltic States, where milking of about 120 cows is performed by automated milking machines. The Annual Harvest Festival and a wide profile agriculture exhibition "Vecauce", where cattle breeders participate, takes place at the farm. Also, animal auctions - beef cattle, sheep and small animals, agricultural machinery demonstrations and seminars are held there.