Forest Faculty
Latvia is a country of forests. Since Latvia regained its independence, forestry has been one of the most perspective branches of the national economy. By skillful forest management we enhance this treasure, because the increase in timber resources is provided by active, effective and sustainable forest management. In the forest industry in Latvia are operating more than 2500 companies who employ more than 59 000 workers. Forest is also a source of recreation and cognition – many people find their relaxation in forests and appreciate also their landscape and cultural and historical values.
The use and further processing of forest and timber resources play the main role in the economics of Latvia. Forestry is the third biggest branch of the Latvian national economy, and is the second biggest producing branch, which continuously develops. As evidence for this development could be mentioned the increasing number of timber export, which in 2011 comprised 18% of the total state export and 6% of gross domestic product. Moreover forestry is the only branch which has a positive export balance. The use of forest resources is regulated in a way to observe sustainable and non-impoverishing forest management principles. It is supervised by the forestry branch specialists – graduates of the Forestry Faculty.
The Forest Faculty is the only higher education establishment in Latvia, which offers education in the forestry – knowledge about forest management and wood products, their production and sale. Distance probing laboratory has been established within the Faculty, and it is a modern forest evaluation laboratory in Latvia. The Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute has been established in cooperation with the Faculty; it implements the integration of education, science and industry, thus fostering the growth of forestry branch in Latvia.
- Agriculture, forest management, fishing and food hygiene
- Production and processing
- Internal security and civil defence
- Forestry Science Bachelor
- Forestry Science Masters
- Forestry Science Doctors
- Wood Materials and Technology Bachelor
- Wood Processing Technology Masters
- Sustainable Forestry Bachelor
- Labour Safety Masters
- Forest Engineering Bachelor
Directions of RESEARCH:
- Forest ecology and forestry
- Wood materials and technology
- Forest economics and policy
- Forest works and machinery
- Labour protection and safety