Pārlekt uz galveno saturu


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Koatum SIA; Latvijas biomedicīnas pētījumu un studiju centrs

Koatum has created a multiple-layer hybrid coating for medical implants with the ability of drug delivery - Koatum DDC. Our coating has 3 layers: 1) Isolation layer, which insures 100% metal isolation and secure binding of the next layers; 2) CaP layer - coating, created with substantially modified micro-arc oxidation method, without the intense heat of plasma spray, bioactive and durable 3) Drug-delivery layer - drug impregnated into the coating to further promote osseointegration, angiogenesis, antibacterial properties etc.

Plānotās aktivitātes un rezultāti

• Ethical aproval and study design
• Animal facility costs, surgery and personel costs
• Biological evaluation
• Statistical analysis and final report

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Pievienots 05/07/2021