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Inter-university scientific student conference for tourism and hospitality / Starpaugstskolu tūrisma un viesmīlības studentu zinātniskā konference

LBTU Sudraba zālē, Jelgavas pilī, Lielajā ielā 2, Jelgavā

Students enrolled in undergraduate and master's degree programs at higher education institutions of Latvia, whose studies and research activities are related to the tourism industry and/or hospitality sector, are invited to participate in the conference.

Registration for participation in the conference should be completed electronically by May 17th.

Research articles can be conducted by an individual student or student group.

The working language of the conference is English.

The conference will take place in a hybrid format (both in-person and online).

The conference proceedings will be prepared in electronic format. Each article should be no longer than 2 pages in A4 Word document format. Articles for publication must be submitted by May 31st, by sending them to the following email address: edgars.pazerauskis@lbtu.lv.

The formatting requirements for articles can be found on the LBTU portal under the Student conference section. Article template.

Conference participants have the option to choose between two formats for presentation: presentation (Microsoft Office PowerPoint) or e-Poster.

In case of any questions, please contact the conference organizers by email. Contact: marta.eglite@lbtu.lv.

We kindly inform you that for publicity purposes, photos may be conducted during the conference.


The scientific student conference is organized to promote students' research activities. The conference theme is related to the tourism industry and/or hospitality, addressing industry`s trends, issues, and innovations.

Student articles and presentations should be prepared based on the research work developed during their study courses, including research data from study research papers, bachelor, or master theses.


LBTU, Faculty of Agriculture and Food technology Food Institute Hospitality Direction educators’ team: Lecturer Marta Eglite, Lecturer Edgars Pazerauskis, Assistant Professor Liene Jansone, Lecturer Gita Krumina - Zemture.


Students enrolled in undergraduate and master's degree programs at higher education institutions of Latvia, whose studies and research activities are related to the tourism industry and/or hospitality sector.


09.30 – 10.00 Arrival and registration of conference participants

10.00 – 10.05 Conference opening speech

10.05 – 10.40 Key speaker presentation

10:40 – 12:30 Student presentations

12.30 – 13.00 Coffee break

13.00 – 14.40 Student presentation

14.40 End of the Conference

15.00 Tour of Jelgava Palace

The duration of each presentation is 10 minutes, from which 3 minutes will be allocated for discussion.

Pievienots 12/03/2024
Portāla administrators